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Released 2019

”It’s provocative – and often provocatively good, melodic and catchy… Phønix is not the first orchestra to try unraveling the hymns by reinterpreting Kingo or Ingemann unpredictably. It is rarely succesful, but Phønix succeeds far above levet because the orhestra has made a number og very consistent musichal choices in terms of its roots in folk music and its instrumentation… It is lively and wonderfully challenging that Phønix has thrown a small grenade into Brorson’s and Grundtvig’s universe. Cause new times deserves new interpretations” – Peter Hagmund-Hansen, Fyens Stiftstidende
Phønix has found a number of old Danish hymns and hymn melodies that are rooted in folk music and given them new wings on this album
Phønix has found a number of old Danish hymns and hymn melodies that are rooted in folk music and given them new wings on this album